BUN Calculator

What is Bun

I know you came here to use this tool I made to calculate bun. But Before I tell you about this tool, I want to give you some information that will help you understand it better. My name is Hamza, and I am a lab technician and lab partner. 

I have run a lab for the last five years where I perform tests, so I know what the bun is and how this test will help doctors or patients diagnose renal failure.

The full form of Bun is blood urea nitrogen. This test helps you to evaluate the function of the kidney. Many labs offer this test at affordable prices. Bun is used to measure the level of nitrogen in blood, which comes from urea. Basically nitrogen is the waste that comes from after protein metabolism. 

Why you need to do this Test 

Not only bun, if you have blood pressure issues, or you have diabetes. Then i personally suggest you do an RFT’s Profile. Which have Urea, Creatinine, Bun, and eGFR. Because diabetes and high blood pressure affect the function of the kidney. 

So this test will help you to evaluate the function of your kidney. Also with this if you see swelling in your foot. Then I recommend you go to any lab and do this test. In my career, I only see kidney failure in those people who have these issues that I already mentioned. 

How to use Bun calculator

To use this tool you need to enter the urea and press the calculate bun button. Then you will get your answer and this tool only provides you bun, not a bun ratio. So if you want to calculate the bun ratio. Then must try other tools because right now we don’t provide this service. 

What is the bun calculation formula?

There are two formulas that you will use to find the value of a bun. The first formula is ( Urea x 28 / 60 ). And the second formula is urea / 2.14. So now it’s up to you which one you will use.

I hope this tool helps you to find the real value of bun. feel free to get touch with me if you have any question. Like Bun Calculator we have another tool lipidprofilecalculator.com must use it.